How does color on a computer screen work? I always thought that color was a way that light reflects on different materials/objects. How does this work on a TV/computer screen?


How does color on a computer screen work? I always thought that color was a way that light reflects on different materials/objects. How does this work on a TV/computer screen?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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There are two ways we make color, called additive or subtractive. They sound just like what they are. Additive color is how a computer screen works. Red, Blue and Green and added to black to create the color spectrum. When you are mixing paints the color are being subtracted from white. This is how a printer works, using Magenta, Cyan and Yellow. Ultimately they function same way, mixing certain amounts of each color creates all the colors we see. What you describe is the subtractive color. When you put cyan ink on a white page the ink makes the white paper absorb all other light colors and then not reflect the cyan.

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