How does digestion work? Respectively, what part of food gets turned into ‘energy’ and what part is used as a building block?


E.g. when eating a steak, there are proteins in it that one needs to build muscle. My question is, does all of that protein go towards building muscle, or does a part get turned into ‘energy’ or something else?

I’m asking as when I read the nutritional information of some protein powder, they had quite a massive amount of calories. There I realised that I actually have no clue how all these things relate to each other ><

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each gram of protein only provides 4 calories of energy. If you see protein powder that exceeds this value, per gram, then all the extra calories are coming from something else they’re adding in the powder, likely other carbs/sugars.

Protein in your body is primarily used to repair tissues, including muscles, bones and skin, and produces necessary enzymes, and a few other functions.

For Energy needs, your body will usually first go for your Glycogen stores (Glucose, primarily from Carbs), then Fatty Acids. Then when needed, it could tap into proteins for energy.

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