How does Docker and Kubernetes work?


I am a software engineer and understand how servers and os works, but have just started into learning about docker and do not quite get how it works.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of docker as a “virtual machine lite”. You can package your application and all of its supporting libraries and configuration files into a docker container and run it as a standalone package without having to worry about the system admins getting the right versions of stuff loaded or some incompatibility between the library your app needs vs another app.

But you can’t run a docker container for something like Windows on a Linux box, which is why I called it a “virtual machine lite”.

Kubernetes is a container orchestration system. it lets you deploy containers across servers, manages the containers if they die or if the host machine the containers are running on crashes. It lets you scale up/down (crap, server overloaded…need to run another 30 containers to handle the load!).

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