How does drinking work?


I don’t know how to **properly** search this up on Google (i know how to type into the search bar and press enter and all that) so the answers I’ve been getting are about stomach acid dilution. My question is how does what we drink end up in our bladders if it goes into our stomachs first? Like, does stomach acid come into the mix and if not, how does our body know not to put stomach acid in our bladders? What path does it follow once it enters the stomach? I only know of the solids exit. How is the water separated from the acid if it is? If you drank enough would you just have an increased amount of acid? I don’t know anything about drinking except it goes into our stomachs, and somehow exits the bladder somewhere between clear or dark yellow depending on how healthy you’ve been with your choices of beverages.

Edit: clarification

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The stomach content, including all the water and acid, is regularly emptied into the intestines through a 3mm hole in the stomach.

Water and stomach acid are chemically different, water being H2O and stomach acid HCl. As they enter the intestines the stomach acid is neutralized by bases excreted by the intestines and the pancreas. Meanwhile, the water molecules pass through small pores in the intestinal cells called aquaporins, which only water can pass through. After leaving the intestines, the water passes into the blood.

A large portion of your blood is pumped to the kidneys. The kidneys are extremely good at choosing what liquids and molecules stay inside the blood, and whatever the kidneys extract is peed out as urine.

One of the kidneys’ most important function is maintaining a good blood volume by increasing or decreasing their extraction of water out of the blood (more water removed = less blood in your circulation). The more water they extract, the more diluted the urine is, making it more clear.

Contrary to popular belief, the urine’s color isn’t caused by what we drink. Rather, it is our body’s natural break down of red blood cells that taints our poop brown and our pee yellow. The more we drink, the more water our kidneys extract, and the more diluted our urine becomes (and vice versa).

As long as you’re not elderly or have dysfunctioning kidneys, you should not worry about how clear or yellow your pee is. The key is instead to make sure you drink whenever you feel thirsty, since this is your brain’s way of telling you that your body needs more water (the brain continously monitors this). Conversely, whatever water you drink when you already have enough, you pee out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Partially liquefied stomach contents enter the intestines where the acid is neutralized. Water and other materials are absorbed from the intestines and go into our blood. Water moves freely among blood, cells, and other bodily compartments. Urine (which is mostly water) comes from the blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It would be completely useless if everything we drank just ended up in our bladder. The trip from swallowing a liquid to peeing a liquid is not even necessarily a direct connection. That is you’re not necessarily peeing out the same liquid you drank.

So you’re basically a donut. There’s a single tube that starts at your mouth and goes all the way out your anus. The purpose of this tube is to smear food along its interior so that that food can be absorbed by your body. On the way it is chemically changed by acid, then changed by bile which is the opposite of acid, then reacted with a whole bunch of chemicals produced by your liver and pancreas. Finally special cells on the inside of the lining of your intestine basically pumps the valuable bits of what you ate and drank from the tube into your bloodstream .

Now one of the weird things that you have to consider is that plants take water and carbon dioxide and turn it into sugar and oxygen.

Your body takes sugar and oxygen and turns it into carbon dioxide and water .

At a chemical level sugars are basically tiny chemical batteries. Well actually they’re tiny chemical springs, but the battery is a more useful thing when talking about energy at this level of simplicity.

In the process of absorbing things, building things, tearing things apart, and all the other stuff your body has to do it produces waste products. Those waste products would be poisonous if they were allowed to build up in your system.

So your kidneys and your liver extract these toxins from your bloodstream and put them either back into your poop or into your bladder. Now if it was just the toxins it would be a nearly solid lump, or a bunch of paste.

So in your bladder particularly these waste products need to be diluted with water. So your kidneys extract water from your blood basically to rinse away the toxic stuff .

Now I’ve massively oversimplified this, but the important takeaway is to understand that it’s not like your digestive tract is piped into your kidneys or bladder by some sort of specific plumbing. It’s a whole bunch of processes .

So your body actually makes more water than you consume, but it needs to use up that water to regulate your temperature and get rid of waste products. So you end up needing to drink more water on top of the water your body makes out of the sugar and oxygen.

And your body uses this water for all sorts of other stuff because you are mostly made out of water. Like all of your cells are basically little tiny bags full of chemicals that are diluted in water.

Every stage of every process that your body performs requires and consumes or produces water.

So basically your body distributes any water you drink throughout your whole system. Your system uses it where it must. And some of that use is to rinse away the byproducts of your body doing its business.

TL;DR :: The constant job of regulating how much water is in your bloodstream is a vital process that involves almost every piece of your body. When you need extra water it is absorbed from your digestive tract. When you need to get rid of water it is expelled as urine, sweat, or the mist of your breath in various ratios.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the stomach the content is slowly being trickled into your intestines. First thing that happens is that the acid is neutralized. The intestines have a huge surface area with blood vessels going very close to the intestinal walls. So selected content of the intestines will be able to pass through the intestinal walls into the blood. This includes water. So your blood gets diluted with water. Our cells does need water and will be more then happy to extract whatever water they need from the blood. But if we end up with too much water in our blood then the kidneys will detect this and extract the excess water from the blood and dispose of it in the urine bladder. The kidneys will also filter out other impurities in your blood and dispose of it the same direction. These other impurities is what creates the color and smell. If the urine is completely clear then it means you have way too much water in your blood and the kidneys are working as hard as they can to get it down to a healthy amount. On the other hand if your urine is very dark it means your blood have very little water so the kidneys do not have as much water as they would want which could result in gall bladder where the impurities is not dissolved in the water and forms a rock.