How does drinking work?


I don’t know how to **properly** search this up on Google (i know how to type into the search bar and press enter and all that) so the answers I’ve been getting are about stomach acid dilution. My question is how does what we drink end up in our bladders if it goes into our stomachs first? Like, does stomach acid come into the mix and if not, how does our body know not to put stomach acid in our bladders? What path does it follow once it enters the stomach? I only know of the solids exit. How is the water separated from the acid if it is? If you drank enough would you just have an increased amount of acid? I don’t know anything about drinking except it goes into our stomachs, and somehow exits the bladder somewhere between clear or dark yellow depending on how healthy you’ve been with your choices of beverages.

Edit: clarification

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the stomach the content is slowly being trickled into your intestines. First thing that happens is that the acid is neutralized. The intestines have a huge surface area with blood vessels going very close to the intestinal walls. So selected content of the intestines will be able to pass through the intestinal walls into the blood. This includes water. So your blood gets diluted with water. Our cells does need water and will be more then happy to extract whatever water they need from the blood. But if we end up with too much water in our blood then the kidneys will detect this and extract the excess water from the blood and dispose of it in the urine bladder. The kidneys will also filter out other impurities in your blood and dispose of it the same direction. These other impurities is what creates the color and smell. If the urine is completely clear then it means you have way too much water in your blood and the kidneys are working as hard as they can to get it down to a healthy amount. On the other hand if your urine is very dark it means your blood have very little water so the kidneys do not have as much water as they would want which could result in gall bladder where the impurities is not dissolved in the water and forms a rock.

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