How does drinking your self to death happen?

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I have had friends/family who have passed away from long term use, or one day they just didn’t wake up after a night of drinking =[. Wtf is going on?

In: Biology

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

15 drinks. It’s called the .400 club. You got a 50% chance of not making it. How Amy Winehouse passed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In simple terms, your body can only take in so much alcohol before its effects start affecting your organs, and once that reaches a limit you die. That or consistent use damages your liver, leading to death.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Essentially alcohol is a poison. Without proper medication a person can die from not drinking after a period of drinking on a daily basis. Multiple organ failure or erratic heart beats caused by stressors, I don’t recall the exact medical terminology. If a person cannot get proper medical care they should lower the amount they drink each day for a week or two until stopping completely.

Alcohol is an incredibly dangerous poison that affects every cell in the body. Probably the most deadly drug ingested by people. Most people have no clue how deadly it is because of marketing and widespread societal acceptance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My father drank himself to death, he had high blood pressure and compounding conditions from his drinking that led him to have a heart attack 5 steps away walking into the doctors building.

He looked really sick a few days prior but refused to go to the hospital and convinced himself plus me that he just needed sleep.

It’s a bad way to go and will usually be years / decades of chaos and slow decline prior to the fatal blow.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me if I did not quit my body was slowly deteriorating away. My mouth was dry no
Mucus. I was weak could not do much and my stomach always had a feel like an ulcer was a beer can away. I had a racing heart of like 150. Doc thought I was on other drugs but it was just the alcohol abuse

Anonymous 0 Comments

A close friend had number 5, a couple months after quitting drinking. He was vomiting sinks full of blood. Miraculously he survived after a long hospital stay, and two years later is doing ok.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I haven’t seen anyone mention cancer. Though not necessarily associated with “drinking your self to death,” drinking alcohol also increases the chances of numerous types of cancers. From the research Ive done, most of this impact is due to alcohol’s extreme negative effect on the sleep cycle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It and other addictions can damage the psyche to the point of “death” as well. I drank so much so continually that my body couldn’t manage all the waste metabolites. My organs were “backed up”. That and just all the damage of trying to stay alive while trying to pump enough alcohol into me to feel “okay” would eventually make my mind “break”. I’d cry when I talked, couldn’t remember who people were, association of numbers would go. Then I would not so much be suicidal but “not interested in trying to carry on”. So, that’s how I almost died. My liver was bad, everything else was bad but the mind was what was gonna get me!