How does each individual pixel know which colour to represent


I understand the basis of how a single pixel works, but can’t work out how you deliver a specific and exact signal to every single tiny RGB block out of the 2 073 600 existiting in a typical 1080p monitor.

I there individual wiring going out to each one, and if so how are the signals timed and sent out?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each pixel is actually 3 sub-pixels of fixed color. The computer sends the brightness to each of these 6M sub-pixels at a rate of 60 times per second to drive your monitor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well it delivers them in batches of horizontal rows from top to bottom. So it only does 1080 at a time. For 1080p (progressive) it goes top to bottom. 1080i (interlaced) does every other then doubles back for the other half.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can represent a pixel with 24 bits (= 8 bytes):

11111111 00000000 00000000 is 255 0 0 in binary, which means a red pixel (RGB).

You can also represent a pixel with 4 bytes, and the extra 8 bits (alpha channel) are used to represent brightness/transperency of the pixel.