How does encryption (or the lack thereof) affect American freedom of speech online?


How does encryption (or the lack thereof) affect American freedom of speech online?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

End-to-End encryption prevents anyone from reading a message before it gets to its destination. So, if someone who shouldn’t have access to a message obtains it, it will be very difficult (nearly impossible) for them to read it. Inversely, without encryption, that person would be able to read the message as clearly as if they grabbed a letter out of your mailbox.

Now, in terms of Freedom of speech: Imagine the US government bans encryption. This would mean that they can read any message, file, etc. That is sent by you. And, further, they could stop it from reaching its destination if they so choose, essentially limiting freedom of speech, without most people even noticing.

Sorry if this is a little awkward to read, I’m a bit Quarantine-drunk.

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