How does energy change form?


For example, we have chemical energy in the form of fuels and can convert that chemical energy into electricity. How does that process work? How can we turn kinetic energy of wind mills to electricity? How does sunlight turn into heat energy? How come we can measure energy in Joules when there are so many forms of it?

In: Chemistry

6 Answers

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Most of it works with expansion of gasses, which in turn drive a turbine generator. Heating up water (by means of focussed sunlight, heat from radioactive decay or burning any fuel) turns it to steam which expands. This expanding gas pushes through a system of pipes until it reaches a turbine generator that exchanges the rotational force of the turbine into electricity.

Similarly, an internal combustion engine (like in a car), burns fuel inside the cylinders, the expanding gasses from the explosion push the pistons which then turn the crankshaft and creates the rotational force that drives the wheels.

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