How does energy works ? Why/how do certain substances (Petroleum, gas, coal, nuclear…) give us energy ?


It’s very silly i know, but I have no idea why petroleum (or other substances) is so important for our industries to work. Why/how can it give us “energy” ?
And why coudn’t “flowers” or “sounds” or “colors” (or anything else) give us energy instead ? I don’t understand how “energy” works at all…

Edit: i don’t even know what flair to put… ( Chemistry ? Ingeeniring ? Biology ?)

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most common way we turn energy into electricity is by spinning turbines usually with steam. The turbines create the energy. Gas and nuclear simply heat up water and use steam to spin turbines. Windpower does the same.

Its not hard to find energy its hard to convert energy into electricity efficiently.

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