How does fire produce/give off light?


How does fire produce/give off light?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way a red-hot stove does. Verily, the same way the same stove does when it hasn’t even been on.

At room temperature, everything still emits electromagnetic radiation, albeit peaking at a frequency so much lower as to be invisible to the human eye. High temperature just makes it bigger radiation and thus visible.

Fire is just heat causing more heat to be released, until the fuel is used up and it goes out. This positive feedback loop – “vicious cycle” – gets pretty hot, comparable to a stove: when it attains a stove’s temperature it’ll glow just the same.

Some over-proof liquors from the store will have a warning label that they can burn with an invisible flame (not quite getting hot enough).

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