How does freon keep your car cold?


How does freon keep your car cold?

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5 Answers

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You ever empty a gas cylinder really quick and have it get really cold? Or walked past a compressor and it was warm? Any time you compress a gas, you get heat. And any time you release that pressure, you get cold.

Freon is any gas that’s good at conducting heat. We use a low pressure and high pressure side. We compress the gas and run it thru a condenser, and that’s kinda like a pre cooler that’s just outside air blowing over it. It then passes over a valve called the orifice tube or expansion valve. The orifice tube separates the high side from the low side of the system and this is where the fun stuff happens. It’s like when you have a garden hose and your nozzle is spraying a fine mist. It then goes through a dryer that removes any moisture that may have entered the system during service and then the evaporator core that is a mini radiator that a fan can push air through to transfer the cold from the metal to the air in the car and then back to the compressor to start all over again.

You can do this with any gas, but it works better with some gases than others. Not all oils are comparable with all gases. We try to use gases that are environmentally friendly and safe under all conditions. Some swear on propane as an alternative, but I don’t think it’s a good idea if you’re a smoker, or even with relays clicking. The ideal air to fuel ratio would be pretty easy to hit in a sealed car.

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