How does general delivery work?


I have an online friend (they live across the country) who wants to deliver something to me, but I’m wary about giving people my address. I don’t have a PO box and I unfortunately don’t have the means to rent one out. I searched for ways to have mail delivered to my post office *for* me and I found out what general deliveries are, but for some reason, I can’t wrap my head around how they work.

In: 18

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have sender address letter/package to Your Name General Delivery and City, State, Zip. This will then go to the main post office in that city (you may need to check where if larger city). To get your mail you go to that post office and ask to check general delivery and show your ID. Names must match. That’s it, I did it while homeless and occasionally got another’s mail but my name is kinda common lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

If theyre your friend why are u wary about giving out your address? Just get a po box, you dont have to keep it forever