How does grading on a curve work exactly?


It wasn’t something that happened when I was in school and I’ve heard absolutely venomous descriptions of it, but no one seems to be able to tell me how it works exactly


8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the instructor, but generally the instructor will grade people not just based on their scores, but based on their scores compared to everyone else. Some curves are harsher than others. a particularly benign curve is one where all students are either unaffected or profit. for example, the top 15% get 5 bonus points, the top 10% get 10 bonus points and the top 5% get 15 bonus points, people below those levels are unaffected. A more harsh curve would not only give bonus points, but deduct from the lowest scores as well. And finally there is the harshest curve that that forces a certain number of A’s B’s C’s and so on, which may in certain cases cause someone who has a low score for the class, but not necessarily a bad one, say the average score is 80% and this student has a 75%, the curve may force their grade to drop to a low C or even a D as a result of the curve. Most professors do not use a harsh curve nowadays

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