How does hardware in a PC correlate to software?


How does ram and a cpu control an OS and vice versa?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think you mean the interfaces between them?

For some components like I/O, there are designated chips on the motherboard that control IO operations for security reasons.

For stuff like resources (RAM etc), it gets a little more complex. It usually comes down to the OS, which has various sub systems to designate resources.

A big one in Windows is the Scheudler. The Scheduler decides which processes to execute and in which order. It dows this with various algorithms to determine the most efficient way to complete tasks based on available resources, time to complete a task etc.

The scheduler also has algorithms to prevent programs from demanding too much or too quicky, and to resolve “stuck” programs that both infinitely wait for the other program to run first, as well as complex systems to allow programs to utilise multiple threads and share resources.

It’s quite complex, but the tl;dr is the OS has programs that determine resource assignment and how they are used

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