how does heat alone create fire?


how does heat alone create fire?

In: Physics

3 Answers

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Everything has autoignition temperature. That is a temperature, at which a material or object, spontaneously ignites, without external source of ignition.

Like, for example wood, ignites at 250-300 ‘C or paper at 230 – 240’C

Imagine an object being in the oven, like a pizza. And you leave it there, at maximum temperature – it will burn. Add oxygen and slightly increase temperature – and you will have a fire, from heat alone.

If you put something more flammable in the oven, like oil. And assuming it’s an electric oven – it could easily go on fire, if it is too close to heating elements.

Like when you put bacon on the top shelf and you see little sparks, when grease bounces off the coils.

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