How does heat vanish.


The question doesn’t get much more detailed, but how does head vanish.
My understanding is that heat is a direct type of energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only change type, but I get that, with a heater for example, electrical energy becomes heat energy, I don’t understand why the heat energy then becomes something else, or indeed what it becomes that isn’t heat, because cold isn’t a type of energy.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Heat doesn’t vanish. It dissipates. Entropy is the process by which energy equalises through a given space. The earth is relatively high energy compared to space because the atmosphere retains the Sun’s energy, but energy from the earth is still dissipating into space all the time. Which is ultimately where all the “excess” energy in the earth’s system goes.

Eventually all energy in the universe will be exactly equal, which is referred to as the Heat Death of the Universe.

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