How does heat vanish.


The question doesn’t get much more detailed, but how does head vanish.
My understanding is that heat is a direct type of energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only change type, but I get that, with a heater for example, electrical energy becomes heat energy, I don’t understand why the heat energy then becomes something else, or indeed what it becomes that isn’t heat, because cold isn’t a type of energy.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It does not vanish. Due to thermal equilibrium, everything wants to be the same temperature basically. If heat comes in contact with something colder than itself, the heat is transfered to the colder object to bring it closer in temperature. (Object being any particle or mass)The energy is the atoms protons etc “vibrating” in a sense. The colder something is the less it vibrates. The hotter the more it vibrates. The energy isn’t lost, just transfered.

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