How Does IBS Work?


So I have had IBS for a couple years now. Obviously, I have some trigger foods, but a few of them seem just…random. Like bananas, for instance. So, in addition to how IBS works and what causes it, what causes some foods to be trigger foods and others to be totally fine?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

While many cases of IBS have clear triggers and causes, others are classified as “functional IBS,” meaning that it’s ideopathic. That’s a fancy word for the fact that there’s no known cause or trigger. So you have to just treat it symptomatically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For some people, there are clear symptoms with definite triggers and specific ways to manage it. For most, it’s the “I have no idea but it’s not anything else we know how to look for, so we’re calling it IBS” catch-all bucket. There are a slew of different symptoms, triggers, treatments, and related issues. It’s likely a collection of several different individual illnesses that medicine will gradually learn how to identify and treat over the next decades. Some people have one, some have another, some have a combination of a few. All of that makes it tough to explain how it works.