How does infertility effect women?


I’m currently developing a short sci-fi film about birth control that focuses on the concept of genetic modification, the women in this world being born infertile/sterile. What I need more information on is how this would effect development/puberty. If a women didn’t have a menstrual cycle, but still had reproductive organs, would they still go through puberty; grow breasts, pubic hair etc? I’m assuming the onset of puberty is what starts the menstrual cycle, and if so, how different would hormone production be if there was no cycle?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reproductive cycle depends on hormones….not the other way around. You have to decide what changes these women / girls will have undergone with this genetic modification. Are they born without reproductive organs? Then no cycle, no hormones, no secondary sexual characteristics (no puberty) If they are born with reproductive organs but for some reason aren’t having a menstrual cycle (you’d have to make up a reason for this….wouldn’t happen in the real world) then you’d get normal puberty and secondary sexual characteristics. More realistically…you could just make them sterile……Say the girl children are blasted with radiation so all their eggs are FUBAR….they’d still cycle normally and look like normal women but no pregnancy would ever result.

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