How does instant death occur for anything other than a forceful and sudden impact to the brain?


I’ve never understood the concept of “instant” death in cases where, say, someone’s heart gives out or aorta gets severed, or something happens to their neck, etc. “So and so died instantly.”

What does instant mean? And how does someone go from alive to brain dead that quickly?

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5 Answers

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Imagine standing up to quickly, that feeling you get is your brain deprived of oxygen due to low blood pressure. When you stand up the blood rushes down your body due to gravity. Now instead of the blood being displaced towards the bottom of your body blood supply is cut off by an aortic aneurysm. We know how quickly we get dizzy when we stand up but now it is escalated to a higher degree when the brain is entirely cut off from oxygenated blood. You become unconscious and loopy extremely quickly. Then inevitable death.

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