How does internet bandwidth work in today’s routers?


I remember as a kid though we had slow internet if my brother would be downloading music nothing would load at all and I’d have to wait for him to finish downloading it. But today though I have 500 megabit down, I can watch YouTube, play games on my PC like CoD, while my brother and his wife are watching not one not two but three streams of sports and that’s not even including our phones and idle devices.

What changed in the 12 or so years? Besides from our speed unless if that’s just it

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To put it simply, yes. Speeds have increased significantly. Over the past decade. Think of bandwidth as the pipe feeding your home internet. The bigger the pipe, the more you can push across it.

With the sizes of the average home internet pipe these days, it can basically handle all of those devices and streaming activities without breaking much of a sweat.

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