How does LED lights generate light


Like in our phones. How does it generate light?

In: Technology

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All light is created when a charged object, like an electron accelerates (basically bumped).

Regular lights do this by running a stream of electrons back and forth through a wire, bumming all the ones in there metal, causing it to follow (and hear up on the process). Its a bit chaotic, and wastes a binge of energy on the wire itself.

Florescent lights run a stream of electrons through a gas, ripping electrons of atoms and the light is enjoyed when they recombine. This uses the atoms themselves, but it’s by it’s nature a bit chaotic.

Leds are structures like layered microchips. They take the electricity (stream of electrons) to the top layer of the chip, then let them fall down onto another layer, where they then exit the device. This fall is when they create light. By carefully controlling the properties of this fall between layers we can very carefully select specific colors to be emitted.

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