How does lenticular art work?


How does lenticular art work?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I designed lenticulars for yearbooks, but they were manufactured by a third party company…. I know that for every “movement” there was a separate picture, and the pictures were angled on separate panels so that when you moved the object left to right you would view then next image… Im sorry if that makes no sense, lol!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lenticular art uses a series of clear plastic sheets, each with a series of tiny ridges on one side, that are layered over an image. When the image is viewed from different angles, the ridges cause different parts of the image to be revealed, creating the illusion of motion or a change in the image. This is because the ridges are angled in such a way that they only allow certain parts of the image to be seen from certain angles.