How does lifting something heavy build muscle?


How does lifting something heavy build muscle?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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There are three major parts:

1. When you lift heavy stuff, you have to work hard. Your body doesn’t like working hard. So over time it grows muscle so you don’t have to work as hard when lifting things. Once you stop lifting things your body will get rid of the muscle since it’s just dead weight. (train this part by lifting heavy)

2. Same thing basically happens when lactic acid builds up in your muscles, it hurts. Your body doesn’t like pain so it makes bigger muscles to have more lactic acid capacity and less effort. Again, once you stop using those muscles it’s just dead weight and your body will get rid of them. (train this part by exercising for metabolic stress. So lighter weight but repetitions untill you really feel that burn)

3. As said by other, your muscles tear when lifting or exercising. When those muscles are repaired, the repairs make the muscle (fibers) slightly bigger every time. (train this part by stretching the muscles under load and doing good controlled ‘negative’ parts of the exercise.)

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