How does lighthouses works, why is it so important?


How does lighthouses works, why is it so important?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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A lighthouse is a tall building with a light on top of it. It is tall so that you can see it from further away as it does not become hidden behind the horizon. In order for the light to be visible from further, especially at the time when it was a small gas lantern, there is a lens mounted over the light which focuses its light in one direction. This makes it visible for further but only in that direction. So the lens is turned around so the light shines in different directions. From a ship it is visible as a blinking light. The main purpuse is to make sure ships who are not quite sure exactly where they are to at least not run aground by just keeping away from any lights. This does not only include lighthouses but also street lights, buildings and other ships. However because the lighthouses are visible from so far away and can usually be identified by difference in the pattern of light they shine lighthouses themselves were used as landmarks for navigation.

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