How does luminol work?


I’ve been watching a LOT of b99 due to quarantine and I was wondering how luminol works. Additionally, after watching Freaks I was wondering if hydrogen peroxide would make blood undetectable under luminol.
I know there must be other ways that police detect blood but luminol is the one most mentioned in media.

In: Chemistry

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not that evident, but luminol is a crystalline solid molecule that’s mixed into an organic solvent. These molecules react via bioluminescence to a few different metals, including iron (that is found in hemoglobolin – – blood), copper and cyanides. The reaction typically doesnt last longer than 30 seconds.

Also, they may work with law enforcement, but Forensic Analysts (like CSI) are the ones using luminol to detect faint amounts of blood, not the police.