How does making the ‘8’ sign in Google Maps improves the compass accuracy?


How does making the ‘8’ sign in Google Maps improves the compass accuracy?

In: Technology

Anonymous 0 Comments

The compass in the phone does not work the same way as the old whiskey compass. Both are trying to locate the direction of the magnetic field but where a whiskey compass will have a needle that spins around until it points in the right way the phone compass is stuck in place and can only measure the magnetic field in two directions. The problem is that there may be different factors that changes the readings of the magnetic field. So in order to really be able to find out what direction you are pointing it needs to compare the current reading with the readings in all directions. When you spin the phone around it can take readings from multiple directions. So that if there was an offset in one sensor making it read a stronger magnetic field then there really is it can see that it is not affected by where you point the device and can therefore ignore that offset.