How does mass and velocity affect the amount of damage?


I’m not a science-y person, but I love sci-fi. In a novel I read near a decade ago (Larry Niven’s Known Space series), he mentions occasionally kinetic weapons. I’ve seen this online as well with tungsten-based projectiles being discussed. So my question is how does mass and velocity affect the amount of damage? If I had a nickel-sized object, how fast would it need to go to cause city-wide devastation (would it be possible or would the damage output be capped based on either size or velocity)? Conversely, If I launched something at the speed of sound, would the damage output be the same if it were different-sized objects?

In: 5

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wolfram Alpha can be a good tool get get an intuitive feel for things, using the formulas mentioned in this thread.

A nickel weighs about 5 grams. Here’s the calculation for that mass at the speed of sound (340m/s).


289 J (joules) How much is that? It’s in the neighborhood of a bullet.

How about an aerodynamic telephone pole of tungsten, about 10000kg, at about Earth escape velocity (11km/sec)?


We’re up to gigajoules (1 billion times more than the first example). You can play around with other numbers.

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