How does mass have anything to do with gravity?


I was watching a Vsauce video and learned that any two objects, like two baseballs, are attracted to each other because of their mass, and the bigger the mass, the more gravity an object has. What does mass have to do with gravity, and what causes gravity? Why does something just attract other things around it?

In: Physics

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I watch a lot of science programs, so I’m an expert. My most basic understanding is that space is like a stretchy, invisible fabric with time woven within it. Material objects have mass and sit on the fabric. Depending how heavy or light the object is, affects how much it stretches the fabric, and how other objects fall in towards it.
On Earth, you only feel this falling in one direction: down. In space, far away from Earth, the falling effect is felt in all directions. You can fall towards heavy things like stars and planets every which way.
The concept gets harder, I think, when you start to realize time is also part of the fabric and is likewise getting stretched. But we are only talking about gravity.

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