How does mass have anything to do with gravity?


I was watching a Vsauce video and learned that any two objects, like two baseballs, are attracted to each other because of their mass, and the bigger the mass, the more gravity an object has. What does mass have to do with gravity, and what causes gravity? Why does something just attract other things around it?

In: Physics

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

First of all, it’s not just mass, energy also causes gravity. Secondly, we don’t know exactly why. But picture it this way: Think of how everything is always moving forward in time. Space and time are both dimensions of a unified thing we call spacetime. Mass and energy bend spacetime. When it’s bent, a little bit of that motion forward in time that’s always happening is instead movement in space. The two results are that an object in that bent spacetime will a) experience slightly less time and b) move towards the direction spacetime is bent. “a” is gravitational time dilation, which Einstein predicted and has been measured, “b” is what we call gravity.

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