: How does music is transferred to my phone to my wireless earbuds ? How the sound is transferred ?


: How does music is transferred to my phone to my wireless earbuds ? How the sound is transferred ?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Not unlike when you turn into Hot 97.5 FM, Toledo’s modern rock, to rock off your socks!<Air Horn> <Siren>. Wooh wooh! and listen in your car. Someone is transmitting a radio signal, and you have a device that can pick it up.

So basically just that. Its ultra low power radio (bluetooth) transmitter from your phone to a receiver in your earbuds. The radio transmission doesn’t go very far, but it goes far enough to get to your earbuds in your noggin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So basically the sound you hear is wave (analog data). Computers operate on a digital data- zeros and ones- because its more efficient than operating on analog data which are waves. There are devices that can detect those waves and convert them to digital data.

This process is called sampling. You take the wave and divide it to smaller pieces in time, very small (popular sample rate is 48 000 samples per secons), then you calculate “height” of each sample and write it down and thats it. You have your sound written digitally. Now you can send it to other device like speaker, or any other device that can send it to speaker etc.

Speaker then takes that digital data and create wave from each sample height and then emit this wave so you can hear sound. Speaker work oposite as microphone.

Disadvantage of sampling is that it you are losing those parts of sound that are not sampled. If you take 10 seconds of song and divide it 5 times you are losing sound between those “cuts”.