How does my bone marrow connect to the rest of my systems?


Seeing as how it’s encased in bone and all. I was just looking at old x-rays from when I had stress fractures in my tibias and had that “hey, wait a minute” feeling. Please help!

In: 13

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The bone marrow isn’t in fact within an entirely seamless bone sheath. There are passages for a nutrient artery, as well as periosteal vessels, and epiphyseal vessels. Blood can leave through veins that travel parallel with the nutrient artery as well as through muscle insertions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bone marrow is where blood is created. Your body replaces blood cells relatively often, and your bone marrow is where new blood comes from. And blood, as you know, goes pretty much everywhere and is kinda important (:

Anonymous 0 Comments

“The bone marrow’s connected to the bone shell, the bone shell’s connected to the … Uhh . . . Rest of the body”

Anonymous 0 Comments

People tend to see bone as something very solid and impermeable. But it is not, bone is a living tissue like the rest of us, it is connected to our blood vessels (as in blood vessels run through the bone). The red bone marrow, where our blood cells are born, is of course exceptionally well perfused, massive amounts of blood vessels here.

Anonymous 0 Comments

super simplified [diagram from google images](

It isn’t encased completely.