How does of League of Legends work?


My girlfriend plays League and whilst from just listening to her play I have a vague understanding of the game, I still don’t really get it. I’ve asked her but she’s absolutely awful at explaining things.

Some questions that have sprung to mind whilst listening / watching her play: what’s a lane? what’s mana? how do you win/lose? ~~why does this game make her so angry?~~

I’m also not much of a gamer so please dumb it down as much as possible – I’m just a clueless boyfriend that wants to enjoy his girlfriend’s interests.

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Whats a lane

The map is split into 3 lanes with turrets placed along the lanes. Imagine a square with a diagonal line going through it. The top L of the square is one lane, the diagonal line is another, and the bottom L of the square is the 3rd lane. The map is then cut diagonally the other way splitting the map into opposing halves.

>Whats mana

A resource that you use to cast abilities. Some characters dont need mana to function as much as others, Some characters dont even have mana in the first place instead using some other resource.

>How do you win/lose

Each lane has 3 towers/turrets in them. Destroying a all of these towers in a lane will give you access to your opponents base, where you gain access to two more towers guarding the opponents “nexus”. Once you destroy these last two towers you can attack the nexus. Dealing enough damage to destroy the enemies nexus wins the game.

Overall the objective of the game is to gain enough of an advantage over your enemy to push down their towers and take the nexus. You do this through killing enemies minions for gold which allows you to buy items upgrading your champion, Taking neutral objectives around the map that confers buffs, and gaining ground y directly fighting your and killing them so they cant defend their base.

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