How does of League of Legends work?


My girlfriend plays League and whilst from just listening to her play I have a vague understanding of the game, I still don’t really get it. I’ve asked her but she’s absolutely awful at explaining things.

Some questions that have sprung to mind whilst listening / watching her play: what’s a lane? what’s mana? how do you win/lose? ~~why does this game make her so angry?~~

I’m also not much of a gamer so please dumb it down as much as possible – I’m just a clueless boyfriend that wants to enjoy his girlfriend’s interests.

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a game in a genre called MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Essentially, the game pits 2 teams of 5 players against eachother. The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy base (nexus). Each team’s nexus will spawn uncontrollable ai units (called minions or creeps) that travel down 1 of 3 pre-determined paths (called lanes) towards the enemy team’s nexus. Destroying the nexus is very difficult in the early stages of the game.

Each player controls a character (champion) that has unique abilities. In order to gain an advantage over your opponents, you can kill enemy minions (which gives you gold) and be near enemy minions when they die (which gives you experience points) in lane. You can use gold to buy better items which basically boost your champion’s stats and make them stronger. Experience is used to level up your champion, giving them access to new and upgraded abilities (again, making them stronger). A lot of these abilities cost resources to use (e.g. mana – magic points that regenerate over time). Once you feel your team has a big enough advantage over your opponents, you can group together with your teammates and try to accomplish objectives which will bring you closer to winning the game. This is probably the part that makes her angry. LoL is a team game, and a lot of people have difficulty communicating properly and working together as a team.

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