How does of League of Legends work?


My girlfriend plays League and whilst from just listening to her play I have a vague understanding of the game, I still don’t really get it. I’ve asked her but she’s absolutely awful at explaining things.

Some questions that have sprung to mind whilst listening / watching her play: what’s a lane? what’s mana? how do you win/lose? ~~why does this game make her so angry?~~

I’m also not much of a gamer so please dumb it down as much as possible – I’m just a clueless boyfriend that wants to enjoy his girlfriend’s interests.

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The main League of Legends is a team of 5 people trying to defend their base while trying to destroy the other base.

There are 3 paths between the bases called lanes.

So usually the team divides up which players are in charge of guarding/attacking on each lane(path)

Each person is playing as a different character with special abilities/attacks. Most of these require mana (magic) to use. If they run out of mana points, they have to recharge before they can cast more abilities/spells.

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