How does one buy a country?


Does it have to be put to vote to the population Who agrees the price, what happens to the money. Does a country have deeds like a house? What happens to the sovereignty of the natives if a sale goes ahead. Do they become citizens on the purchasing country? If a nation were considering the offer, do they have to put the country up to tender and accept alternative bids? When was the last time a country was sold? Sorry, I have many questions.

In: Economics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no standard way of buying a country. It’s not like a house or a lawn mower where the market exists and such exchanges happen regularly. All of the questions you have asked, and more, have to be answered anew every single time somebody considers buying a country. EX: What counts as a country? Its land? Its people? Its government? The right to taxation?

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