How does one have a ‘master’ or ‘dominant eye’? Why do some of us have it on the left, some on the right?


How does one have a ‘master’ or ‘dominant eye’? Why do some of us have it on the left, some on the right?

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I am by no means a professional here, but I grew up with amblyopia (lazy eye). A common cause is a different prescription in each of your eyes. This leads to one eye having a clearer image so over time your brain learns to use that one more. Another possible cause is Strabismus, or your eyes are not actually aligned. So one looks where you want it to and the other looks in the general direction but not quite directly at whatever you are trying to see. This causes double vision, or you would see two of that object. This is extremely annoying to deal with and your brain again learns to ignore one eye. Both of these are from your eyes not being exact mirrors of each other. And which one is the dominant or master eye is based on whichever one provides you clearer vision in most cases. There are some conditions where the dominant eye changes back and forth, but that is less common.