how does one internet cable distribute so many different connections?


There are just a few internet cables going through the Atlantic for example and yet millions of internet users connect between Europe and the USA for example and everybody will get exactly the data he asked for. How can one cable deliver so many different informations at once?

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4 Answers

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Those cables contain dozens of fiber optic lines each. Because of the traffic loads and importance of that data link the equipment attached to each fiber is some of the best made. This allows each cable to offer in the terrabit per second throughput range.

Also, most internet traffic is not intercontinental. If you are in North America and browse to say, (the british broadcasting channel you pervs) your traffic isn’t crossing the ocean to britain. Its being routed to a more geographically local server somewhere in North America. The internet has been developed in such a way that it tries to keep as much traffic as it can as local as possible. This reduces the load over the communication chokepoints (like those cables) and increases the end users experience since you don’t have to wait extra time for the traffic to cross the longer distance.

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