How does our body generate heat?


How does our body generate heat?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body is a car engine. Food is fuel.

When an engine runs it burns petrol, which in turn generates movement and heat.

In your body the food you eat is digested, then shared throughout the body in your blood. This is the energy referred to casually as blood sugars, eg “my blood sugar is low” means I’m running low on fuel, and I need to eat.

All living cells in your body burns this energy coming from your blood, to do their “thing”. Muscle cell moves your body, brain cells move your thoughts etc, while also producing heat. Same as the car engine.

Your body wants to be 37 degrees Celsius.

If the cells doesn’t achieve that the body will then do other things to reach that temperature.
Sweating is literally liquid cooling your body when warm. Car engines radiator. Shaking when cold helps you warm up through friction and more movement in the cells.

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