How does our sense of time work?


Whether I set a 5-minute timer, a 15-minute timer, or a 30-minute timer, I always seem to instinctually know when it’s about to go off within 1-3 minutes of the correct time. I’m not counting, I just get this strong urging and knowledge in my head that it’s almost up.

This is in opposition to when I was in Kindergarten (I think), when I was baffled at the concept of having a sense of time. I couldn’t tell how long anything had taken numerically without counting it directly.


Of course, when it comes to 5-minute timers, my accuracy is closer to me knowing 10 seconds beforehand.

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: I feel as though it’s because we are more attuned to it. We are aware that we have a deadline / alarm and our brain subconsciously tracks it.

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