How does our stomach tell us when it’s full? How do different foods affect how full our stomach is?


How does our stomach tell us when it’s full? How do different foods affect how full our stomach is?

In: Biology

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This is a big topic, and it is not fully understood, although we do know a fair amount. Basically, there are two broad ways we know our stomach is full–physical sensation and chemical signals. The wall of the stomach (and all of your intestines) have stretch receptor nerves inside them. When the stomach is full and stretched like a balloon, those nerves send signals to your brain that it is full. Nerves can also tell what kind of stuff is in the stomach, such as proteins, fats, or sugars. Depending on what stuff is present and where (stomach or small intestine), different hormones are released that help tell your brain “I’m hungry”, “I’m full”, “I want more fatty fries” etc. Your brain also responds to nerve or hormone signals from elsewhere in your body. For example part of the fight or flight response to adrenaline is to not feel hungry, as it would likely be a bad idea to stop and eat a cheeseburger when you’re being chased by a tiger.