How does ‘Patient Brokering’ work?


I’m halfway through this film called ‘Body Brokers’ set in America, where people go out and find drug addicts and take them to treatment centres and they don’t have to pay.

They are saying that somehow this generates money for the person finding them and even money for the addict sometimes, with money for each urine sample. I don’t get it?? Where is all this magical money coming from? Surely the Insurance company just pays back the cost of the actual accommodation, staff wages, medications, etc. so I don’t understand why it is some kind of big business, or why it is against the law to find and help addicts…

What am I missing?

In: 4

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

[infographic on patient brokering](

It’s a form of healthcare fraud. The recruiters get paid by insurance companies or rehab centers for bringing in initial new patients to a specific rehab center. The patients get paid for their urine samples because their urine sample is basically “proof of a patient” to insurance companies so now the rehab centers can bill insurance companies for all types of tests/treatments that don’t actually help the patient long term. Once the patient leaves the facility they are more likely to come back.

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