How does percentages work? In simple terms. Like discounts, population, food, economics, scores etc…


Anything that involves percentages.

In: Mathematics

7 Answers

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cent = 100. per = rate (kinda)

percentage is just per every hundred. so 20% is 20 per every hundred.

if you are getting a 20% discount on a shirt that is 70 dollars. you are getting 14 dollars off. for every 100 cents you are getting 20 cents off.

so instead of paying 100 cents x 70 = 7000 (70$) you are paying 80 cents x 70 = 5600 (56$)

if 35% of the population of Mississippi is obese, that means 35 out of every 100 people are obese. so if theres 1,000,000 ppl in Mississippi that means 35 out of every 100 of those ppl are obese.

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