How does photography work? How do you take a moment in front of you and put it on paper and keep it forever?


How does photography work? How do you take a moment in front of you and put it on paper and keep it forever?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

sun or lamp emits light. light hits a, say, cat. cat reflects light a tiny bit (each type of material & color reflects light differently btw), and the light hits everything around the cat, including your eye. multiple rays of light from the cat goes through your eye & lenses inside it, hits nerves, your brain gets information, draws a picture, yay.

the same way, rays of light are reflected from the cat, hit lenses in a camera, go trough them, and hit a piece of special material. the material is a kind of chemical. you can think of it as if it was ‘ink’ that ‘dries’ forever the moment it’s hut by light. so now the picture is onto that piece of stuff.

digital cameras also have lenses etc, but when the light finally hits the end target – the matrix – and hardware+software writes how much each portion of the matrix was activated (how much light it got)

in order to get an idea about lenses, you can take a magnifying glass and try to get an image of a lamp onto your wall. be careful: getting an image of the Sun can start a fire.

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