How does pigeon letter courier work? How can they precisely know who they should send their letters to?


How does pigeon letter courier work? How can they precisely know who they should send their letters to?

In: 8871

11 Answers

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Pigeons prefer to be in their roost. They always know their way back to it.

The way courier pigeons actually work is less like a text message, and more like a one-way, one-use phone line.

So, say you have two castles. Castle A has a pigeon coup, where a bunch of pigeons call home

Say Castle A wants to send a massive party of knights to take over castle B. They send their group of knights with a pigeon they took from the coup.

When the group of knights wants to tell the king of castle A that they won the battle against castle B (or tell the king that they need reinforcements), they write a note, take their pigeon out of its cage, tie the note to the pigeon’s foot, and let him fly home.

Pigeons are like homing missiles, and they have massive breast muscles. Professional racing pigeons can actually fly upwards of 60km/hr, in a straight line, straight towards their roost

Pigeon comes in, squire checks the pigeon mail, sees your pigeon letter, snatches the pigeon, and reads it.

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