How does pigeon letter courier work? How can they precisely know who they should send their letters to?


How does pigeon letter courier work? How can they precisely know who they should send their letters to?

In: 8871

11 Answers

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According to Wikipedia the “one way communication” thing is mostly but not entirely true.

“Historically, pigeons carried messages only one way, to their home. They had to be transported manually before another flight. However, by placing their food at one location and their home at another location, pigeons have been trained to fly back and forth up to twice a day reliably, covering round-trip flights up to 160 km (100 mi).[13] Their reliability has lent itself to occasional use on mail routes, such as the Great Barrier Pigeongram Service established between the Auckland, New Zealand, suburb of Newton and Great Barrier Island in November 1897,[14] possibly the first regular air mail service in the world. The world’s first ‘airmail’ stamps were issued for the Great Barrier Pigeon-Gram Service from 1898 to 1908.[15]”

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