How does protein powder work? Why is everyone using it?


I see tons of “what i eat in a day” and they all use protein powder? I know this builds muscle, but why are so many people using it? If i dont work out and consume this protein powder will i build muscle? Why is everyone so crazy about it im so confused?

In: 5

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s *easy to fit in* calories.

my kid’s a gymnast. he doesn’t eat enough and he’s allergic to eggs but also hates most food and doesn’t want to eat animals. training 9 hours a week with this combination of things makes it very hard to get enough calories in him to sustain growing like that.

so we put protein powder and coconut oil in his morning shake. he might even drink two of those a day if he’s still starving after the gym and dinner (usually just carbs). it’s easy calories and he finds it at least palatable. and he knows he needs more calories because us and his coaches rail on him about it all the time.

you can apply this to adults where *time* is usually the main factor. you go to work, then you’re going to the gym, or vice versa…but time’s a crunch. and you need the calories. so pop them in a shake and drink it quick. easy calories. same idea for protein bars. protein shakes or bars are almost essential if you’re working out a lot. it’s that or carrying around chicken thighs in your pocket. 😂

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s *easy to fit in* calories.

my kid’s a gymnast. he doesn’t eat enough and he’s allergic to eggs but also hates most food and doesn’t want to eat animals. training 9 hours a week with this combination of things makes it very hard to get enough calories in him to sustain growing like that.

so we put protein powder and coconut oil in his morning shake. he might even drink two of those a day if he’s still starving after the gym and dinner (usually just carbs). it’s easy calories and he finds it at least palatable. and he knows he needs more calories because us and his coaches rail on him about it all the time.

you can apply this to adults where *time* is usually the main factor. you go to work, then you’re going to the gym, or vice versa…but time’s a crunch. and you need the calories. so pop them in a shake and drink it quick. easy calories. same idea for protein bars. protein shakes or bars are almost essential if you’re working out a lot. it’s that or carrying around chicken thighs in your pocket. 😂

Anonymous 0 Comments

Protein helps with hunger cravings as it tricks you into feeling full while having much less calories than carbs. Hence when dieting you see people eating lots of protein with fiber and a small amount of fat with little carbs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Protein helps with hunger cravings as it tricks you into feeling full while having much less calories than carbs. Hence when dieting you see people eating lots of protein with fiber and a small amount of fat with little carbs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Protein helps with hunger cravings as it tricks you into feeling full while having much less calories than carbs. Hence when dieting you see people eating lots of protein with fiber and a small amount of fat with little carbs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you eat a balanced diet you don’t need protein powder. Of course unless you’re doing some serious weightlifting. Even then there are other healthier alternatives

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you eat a balanced diet you don’t need protein powder. Of course unless you’re doing some serious weightlifting. Even then there are other healthier alternatives

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you eat a balanced diet you don’t need protein powder. Of course unless you’re doing some serious weightlifting. Even then there are other healthier alternatives

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its just an easy and effective way of getting extra protein in. You can build muscle without protein powder just as well but you’d have to eat more regular food that contains protein.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its just an easy and effective way of getting extra protein in. You can build muscle without protein powder just as well but you’d have to eat more regular food that contains protein.