how does raw egg give you salmonella, but you can eat a whole raw egg and be fine


how does raw egg give you salmonella, but you can eat a whole raw egg and be fine

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16 Answers

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It’s a game of odds/numbers basically— the CDC estimates one in every 20k eggs is salmonella contaminated.

It’s perfectly possible for you to have eaten several raw ones and had no negative consequences, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen or that other people haven’t gotten salmonella that way before. I’ve gotten brutally sick off improperly cooked eggs before so I would advise from experience to err on the side of caution

There’s mitigation measures such as the FDA requiring eggs to be washed off so salmonella won’t be a risk from handling the shells, but in certain cases the hens might be infected themselves and the bacteria will persist on the inside of the egg. There’s also ones you can buy that are pasteurized to even further reduce the risk of getting sick. Keeping the eggs adequately refrigerated and not subjecting it to temperature abuse also helps.

It isn’t always a guarantee though that if you get a contaminated one that consuming said infected raw egg will get you ill— sometimes one’s individual gut flora and immune system can prevent salmonella proliferating in your guts if you only consume a small amount of the pathogen. If an infected egg goes into your cookie batter and you only take a tiny taste you very well could be fine. It’s a combination of different factors that play into whether you get sick or not, pretty much.

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