HOW does Rayleigh scattering make the sky red/blue/whatever?


Okay so there’s lots of particles in the atmosphere, the sun shines white light, the light gets scattered and depending on the angle, the sky gets its color. But like, how?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine the atmosphere is lots of teeny tiny baseball players. Now imagine the different colours of light are different sized balls. On one end of the colour spectrum you have blue light that’s the size of baseballs, and on the other end you have red light and each ball of red light is the size of a car.

The baseball players in the atmosphere won’t be able to hit the red, car sized pieces of light so they just kinda keep going forward. The blue, baseball sized pieces of light are hit by the baseball players and scattered in random directions. Since we’re on the ground, when we look up we are seeing all the redirected blue light cuz the atmosphere hits it down to us. The red light just kinda keeps going and doesn’t get hit.

This definitely isn’t 100% accurate but it helps illustrate the point.

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